Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
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Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory is one of the best online games ever! and its completely FREE! because it was meant to be released as a single/multiplayer game and they used 2 separate companies to produce the program, however the multiplayer section was finished and then they decided to scrap the idea of a single player idea and then released the online game free of charge on the internet in a way to say sorry to the public... Well i'm not complaining! lol

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
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The Weapons on Enemy Territory are (in alphabetical order)

Colt 45 - An American pistol issued to all classes [ALL CLASSES]

FG42 - Paratrooper Rifle with fixed scope can be used for assualt and sniping [COVERT OPS]

Flamethrower - [SOLDIER]

Hand Grenade - Explosive [ALL CLASSES]

K43 + Grenade - German issued rifle [ENGINEER]

K43 + Scope + Silencer - German issued Sniper rifle [COVERT OPS]

Luger - An Axis pistol issued to all classes [ALL CLASSES]

M1 Garand + Grenade - A rifle and a grenade can be fixed to it. [ENGINEER]

M1 Garand + Scope + Silencer - A Standard issued sniper rifle [COVERT OPS]

Mobile MG42 - A mobile MG42 effective on oncoming enemy [SOLDIER]

Mortar - Used to fire from a distance using co-ordinates [SOLDIER]

MP40 - An Axis Sub-Machine Gun - Standard issue [ALL CLASSES]

Panzerfraust - A rocket launcher effective on groups of enemy [SOLDIER]

Sten - A silenced Sub-Machine Gun - ideal for taking out enemy with reduced chance of getting caught [COVERT OPS]

Thompson - An American Sub-Machine Gun - Standard issue [ALL CLASSES]

** i will try to update the descriptions ASAP**


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It relies completely on teamwork and uses each character's class to its advantage. The Classes which you can be on the game are-

Soldier - This class is idealy suited for Heavy Weapons, and is the only class where you can use weapons such as 'a Mortar, Flamethrower, Panzerfraust, and a Mobile MG42

Engineer - With this class you can Build various constructions such as a bridges, watch towers and other things, you can repair sabotaged machinary such as tanks, MG42's and objective based structures, Arm/Disarm dynamite to destroy enemy structures, and finally lay and defuse landmines.

Medic - A class which can revive your injured comrades in battle. He can heal them by using medi-packs

Field Ops - This class can supply ammo to your team mates when they are running low. He can also call airstrikes and artillery to bombard the enemy position.

Covert Ops - This class can sabotage enemy command posts and machine gun placements by throwing a remotley detonated Satchel, by using his binoculars he can spot enemy placed landmines and enemy positions; these are reported to the team and are placed on a minimap which can be found in the top left corner of the screen. The great thing about this class is impersonating enemy soldiers after killing them they can use their uniform to fool the enemy.

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