Metal Gear Solid 2
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Metal Gear Solid 2 Boss Guides

Welcome to the 'Boss Guide' section which includes step by step information on how to eliminate those troublesome Bosses!!

When the battle starts don't move, look forward with R1 and strafe right with R2 (To avoid being shot let go of R2) she will shoot all of her bullets. Aim at the top right of the crate and when Olga pops her head out shoot her 1/4 of her health should be depleted.
She should run up and down the deck and take cover behind some metal shelves still pop a cap in her head and another 1/4 of her health should be depleted.
You should have another chance to do this after that run and roll between crates so she can't see you (If she can she will always have a clue of your whereabouts) when you have a clear shot of her head or heart by all means take it. If she blinds you with the light look out for her feet and have a guess for her head or heart and take a shot. If you roll about until she throws grenades then you will have more chance of hitting her.

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Freeze the planted bombs straight away with your COOLANT and equip your SOCOM and shoot Fatman until he falls down, Run towards him and shoot his head. He should skate away repeat this and take another shot at his head. Keep doing this until he places more bombs then freeze them and continue shooting him if you repeat this he should die.
*NOTE* If Fatman dies and there are bombs still active the cut scene will not take place until you freeze them.
After the cut scene drag Fatman's body away and freeze the last C4.

Collect the STINGER and run to the center of the bridge (to get a good view) equip it target the Harrier by now it should be flying away look out for the flash, target and shoot the Harrier deselect the STINGER and run away and cartwheel you should just be able to avoid it. Lock on to its body and shoot and follow it o it hits the Harrier. Repeat this and it should fly over you, just repeatedly shoot the Harrier and it should fly away lock on to it and shoot away. You should hear a missile lock on sound and a whistling, immediately run down the stairs and take shelter (lean against the first crate) and you should be safe. The Harrier should be firing a load of missiles at you to avoid this run anti-clockwise around all of the crates downstairs. Now the Harrier should be using a MACHINE GUN now take cover behind the crates and fire the odd STINGER Missile at it the Harrier should also fly away so you can get another shot at him.


Shoot Vamp with Your STINGER at the beginning, Time it right and you can almost kill him. When he dives in the pool shoot him with your grenade launcher so he is forced to come out, get your M4 and let it rip if he shadow binds you shoot the lights out or punch loads of buttons

Vamp (Oil fence)

Vamp will have Emma in a strangle hold so be careful not to shoot her have a few PENTAZAMINE Handy if not unequip your PSG1 or PSG1-T and get up you should see a box of them so pick up some PENTAZAMINE or AMMO and equip the PSG1 or PSG1-T. Use the PENTAZAMINE and take a few careful shots to Vamp's head.

Metal Gear Ray's

Equip your BODY ARMOUR (From Underwater Emma Scene) equip your CHAFF GRENADES and throw one, The targeting system of the Metal Gear Ray's should be corrupt. Equip your STINGER and fire at one of their knees, Ray should fall down then blast a rocket at its head most of its health should deplete.
Repeat this process as much as necessary

Solidus Snake

1.Equip Body armour
2.Attack solidus with 3 combo
3.He will kick u block with L1
4.Repeat steps 1-3
5.He will use his tentacles
6.Immediatly run towards him and cartwheel to him
7.Slice him
8.Repeat this until he slices his tentacles off
9.Face him and always use L1
10.When tries to elbow you block it and slice him.
11.Run away then face him and block, repeat this procedure.
12.If you get set on fire equip GBU (soldiers uniform).
13.Don't forget to crouch down to recover health if lost.
14.Don't forget your bandages.

Hope it helps

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